It was almost a year ago but only now I, finally, found time to write about it.
By the way, I'm fond of snowboarding and my father is professional skier. The main purpose why we went there, was the ability to have a great time in Pyrenees mountains bobbing.
We arrived to Barcelona and the bus took us to Andorra-la-Vella where we had been living for a one week
(actually there is a great shopping in Andorra! Even though, this country isn't bigger than my town!) What did I actually remember most of all was our every evening dinner and amazing variety of food and delicious Spanish vine (oops! I wasn't adult to drink). Of course, I comparing with English bread and scrape and Arabian cuisine which I don't like at all...
On our first day Me and my dad woke up in our room very early and went downstairs to have a breakfast. I still remember fried bacon and cruasans waiting for me. I expected to lose weight there, but my weight had increased by the end of a trip. Anyway, I was happy to eat three portions and was totally ready to conquer the mountains of Pyrenees.
We arrived to Grand Valira - the huge complex of down-runs. AMAZING! It was so incredible to put my board on and slide down the snowy ground...
Just imagine the views there! It seemed unbelievable to watch all this. I felt so free and so happy! I'd never experienced this before.
Also I was looking good in my new fashionable ROXY outfit. love it!
By the way, I'm fond of snowboarding and my father is professional skier. The main purpose why we went there, was the ability to have a great time in Pyrenees mountains bobbing.
We arrived to Barcelona and the bus took us to Andorra-la-Vella where we had been living for a one week
(actually there is a great shopping in Andorra! Even though, this country isn't bigger than my town!) What did I actually remember most of all was our every evening dinner and amazing variety of food and delicious Spanish vine (oops! I wasn't adult to drink). Of course, I comparing with English bread and scrape and Arabian cuisine which I don't like at all...
On our first day Me and my dad woke up in our room very early and went downstairs to have a breakfast. I still remember fried bacon and cruasans waiting for me. I expected to lose weight there, but my weight had increased by the end of a trip. Anyway, I was happy to eat three portions and was totally ready to conquer the mountains of Pyrenees.
We arrived to Grand Valira - the huge complex of down-runs. AMAZING! It was so incredible to put my board on and slide down the snowy ground...
Just imagine the views there! It seemed unbelievable to watch all this. I felt so free and so happy! I'd never experienced this before.
Also I was looking good in my new fashionable ROXY outfit. love it!
On 3rd day we were in mountains when I fell so down and hurt my head so hard.
But next day we went to France even my body and head hurt! I'm definitely crazy! On our 5th day we went in mountains again!
Прошел почти год, но только сейчас я, наконец-то, нашла время написать о своей поездке в Андорру.
Я катаюсь на сноуборде, а мой отец лыжник. И главная причина, для чего мы приехали в Андорру - для того, чтоб чудно провести время в Перенейских горах, скатываясь с самых различных трасс и спусков.
Мы прилетели в Барселону, и оттуда нас забрал автобус, который привез нас в Андорру-ла-Велью, где мы провели целую неделю. ( Кстати, в Андорре умопомрачительный шоппинг, хотя странушка эта не больше моего города, а он, поверьте мне, маленький) но больше всего мне запомнились наши ежедневные ужины! Огромный выбор всяких вкусностей и испанские вина! Я Сравниваю со скудной английской кухней и арабской, которую на дух не переношу...
В первый день мы с отцом проснулись и спустились позавтракать. Внизу меня уже ожидали круассаны и жаренный бекон, и я без всяких угрызений совести съела тройную порцию. Хотя, я надеялась похудеть, я лишь поправилась за время поездки.
Итак, позавтракав, мы ринулись покорять Перенейские горы.
Мы приехали в Гранд Валиру - огромный комплекс спусков и подъемников! Это было нечто невероятное! Меня переполнило то прекрасное чувство, когда скользишь вниз на доске со снежной горы...
Я никогда раньше не испытывала ничего подобного - столько счастья и свободы!
К тому же я очень круто выглядела в своей новой экипировке от ROXY ;)